Ocular Hypertension
Last updated: February 8th, 2022
Summary of Evidence
Topical ocular hypotensive medication was effective in delaying or preventing the onset of POAG in individuals with elevated IOP.(OHTS, 2002) {Kass MA, Heuer DK, Higginbotham EJ, Johnson CA, Keltner JL, Miller JP, Parrish RK 2nd, Wilson MR, Gordon MO. The Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study: a randomized trial determines that topical ocular hypotensive medication delays or prevents the onset of primary open-angle glaucoma. Arch Ophthalmol. 2002 Jun;120(6):701-13; discussion 829-30.}
There was no difference between medical therapy and placebo in reducing the incidence of POAG in OHT patients at moderate risk of developing POAG.(EGPS, 2005) {Miglior S, Zeyen T, Pfeiffer N, Cunha-Vaz J, Torri V, Adamsons I; European Glaucoma Prevention Study (EGPS) Group. Results of the European Glaucoma Prevention Study. Ophthalmology. 2005 Mar;112(3):366-75.}