PEDIG: Anisometropic amblyopia

June 1, 2006

Prospective study

Treatment of anisometropic amblyopia in children with refractive correction.

Cotter SA, Edwards AR, Wallace DK, Beck RW, Arnold RW, Astle WF, Barnhardt CN, Birch EE, Donahue SP, Everett DF, Felius J, Holmes JM, Kraker RT, Melia M, Repka MX, Sala NA, Silbert DI, Weise KK.

Ophthalmology. 2006 Jun;113(6):895-903.
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June 1, 2006

Clinical trial

A randomized trial to evaluate 2 hours of daily patching for strabismic and anisometropic amblyopia in children.

Wallace DK, Edwards AR, Cotter SA, Beck RW, Arnold RW, Astle WF, Barnhardt CN, Birch EE, Donahue SP, Everett DF, Felius J, Holmes JM, Kraker RT, Melia M, Repka MX, Sala NA, Silbert DI, Weise KK.

Ophthalmology. 2006 Jun;113(6):904-12.
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